
lazr.restful makes collections of data available through Pythonic mechanisms like slices.

>>> from lazr.restfulclient.tests.example import CookbookWebServiceClient
>>> service = CookbookWebServiceClient()

You can iterate through all the items in a collection.

>>> names = sorted([ for recipe in])
>>> len(names)
>>> names
[u'Baked beans', ..., u'Roast chicken']

But it’s almost always better to slice them.

>>> sorted([ for recipe in[:2]])
[u'Roast chicken', u'Roast chicken']

You can get a slice of any collection, so long as you provide start and end points keyed to the beginning of the list. You can’t key a slice to the end of the list because it might be expensive to calculate how big the list is.

This set-up code creates a regular Python list of all recipes on the site, for comparison with a lazr.restful Collection object representing the same list.

>>> all_recipes = [recipe for recipe in]
>>> recipes =

Calling len() on the Collection object makes sure that the first page of representations is cached, which forces this test to test an optimization.

>>> ignored = len(recipes)

These tests demonstrate that slicing the collection resource gives the same results as collecting all the entries in the collection, and slicing an ordinary list.

>>> def slices_match(slice):
...     """Slice two lists of recipes, then make sure they're the same."""
...     list1 = recipes[slice]
...     list2 = all_recipes[slice]
...     if len(list1) != len(list2):
...         raise ("Lists are different sizes: %d vs. %d" %
...                (len(list1), len(list2)))
...     for index in range(0, len(list1)):
...         if list1[index].id != list2[index].id:
...             raise ("%s doesn't match %s in position %d" %
...                    (list1[index].id, list2[index].id, index))
...     return True
>>> slices_match(slice(3))
>>> slices_match(slice(50))
>>> slices_match(slice(1,2))
>>> slices_match(slice(2,21))
>>> slices_match(slice(2,21,3))
>>> slices_match(slice(0, 200))
>>> slices_match(slice(30, 200))
>>> slices_match(slice(60, 100))
>>> recipes[5:]
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Collection slices must have a definite, nonnegative end point.
>>> recipes[10:-1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Collection slices must have a definite, nonnegative end point.
>>> recipes[-1:]
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Collection slices must have a nonnegative start point.
>>> recipes[:]
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Collection slices must have a definite, nonnegative end point.

You can slice a collection that’s the return value of a named operation.

>>> e_recipes = service.cookbooks.find_recipes(search='e')
>>> len(e_recipes[1:3])

You can also access individual items in this collection by index.

>>> print e_recipes[1]
Foies de voilaille en aspic
>>> e_recipes[1000]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: list index out of range

When are representations fetched?

To avoid unnecessary HTTP requests, a representation of a collection is fetched at the last possible moment. Let’s see what that means.

>>> import httplib2
>>> httplib2.debuglevel = 1
>>> service = CookbookWebServiceClient()
send: ...

Just accessing a top-level collection doesn’t trigger an HTTP request.

>>> recipes =
>>> dishes = service.dishes
>>> cookbooks = service.cookbooks

Getting the length of the collection, or any entry from the collection, triggers an HTTP request.

>>> len(recipes)
send: 'GET /1.0/recipes...
>>> dish = dishes[1]
send: 'GET /1.0/dishes...

Invoking a named operation will also trigger an HTTP request.

>>> cookbooks.find_recipes(search="foo")
send: ...

Scoped collections work the same way: just getting a reference to the collection doesn’t trigger an HTTP request.

>>> recipes =

But getting any information about the collection triggers an HTTP request.

>>> len(recipes)
send: 'GET /1.0/dishes/.../recipes ...


>>> httplib2.debuglevel = None